IAM CORE Mission: Bring Democracy to the Workplace at Apple!
Apple workers across the country are joining together to help the company live up to its values. More than 100 of us at the Towson, MD store recently partnered with the IAM to form a union and more are following. Our commitment remains enriching lives by providing customers the best service possible. It’s time Apple and our managers acknowledge that commitment by respecting our rights and sitting down with us to negotiate over the issues that matter to us – scheduling, professional development and more. Joining together in union will provide us more power to make Apple better!
Professional Development
We are on the front lines of the Apple experience. As the face of Apple we have the responsibility of showing every day to do the best work of our lives. We ask that our commitment be rewarded with ample opportunities for professional development and the ability to progress upwards in our careers at Apple.
Improved Workplace Standards
Decisions at our worksites are often arbitrary. Having a seat at the table will give us the voice we need to make sure our input is heard when it comes to workplace policy.
Work-life Balance
We are often at the mercy of our managers when it comes to scheduling, which generally means long and inconsistent hours. As union members, you will have a say in notice and scheduling to adequately plan for your work and family responsibilities.
The Apple Supplier Code of Conduct and What it Means…
The Apple supplier code of conduct is a document that lays out the principles and requirements the company’s suppliers must adhere to in order to do business with Apple. The code is “based on Internationally-recognized human rights, as set out in the United Nations’ International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work.” In this code there is a specific section titled “Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining” and it includes a subsection, 1.2, titled “neutrality”. It states, “supplier is not required to take an active role in supporting workers’ efforts to associate or organize, but supplier must ensure that workers can exercise their right to organize in a climate free of violence, pressure, fear, intimidation, and threats.” We think this is a good example of how companies can take responsibility and lead by example in the way they do business globally. What we are asking for, is for the company to extend these same Internationally recognized human rights to us as well. You can see the entire code of conduct here.
Apple Workers in Towson Win Historic Union Election
Over 100 Apple store employees in Towson, Md., who recently organized into the Coalition of Organized Retail Employees (CORE), have overwhelmingly voted to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM). The National Labor Relations Board vote count was announced on Saturday, June 18. CORE and IAM sent a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook in May 2022 informing him of the decision to organize their union, listing “access to rights we do not currently have” as a driving reason for the move, which has strong support from a majority of the workers.

Letter to Tim Cook
CORE and IAM recently sent a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook informing him of the decision to organize their union, listing “access to rights we do not currently have” as a driving reason for the move, which has strong support from a majority of the workers.

Apple Union Busting
Vice reported a leaked memo from Apple to its store managers with anti-union talking points, revealing that the tech giant is coaching store managers to discourage workers from unionizing, saying unionization would mean workers could lose career opportunities, merit-based promotions, and time off. In the memo Apple calls the union a “third-party,” even though the union organizers are Apple store employees. The talking points get an F!

News Articles
I’m a creative pro and I love my job because I love being able to make connections with customers and my peers. A union will give me the opportunity to be a true stakeholder in my career at Apple.

I’m a genius at Apple and I’m passionate about repairing relationships. A union will help me stand up for myself and my peers. We need a healthy schedule to lead healthy lives.

More Perfect Union On Apple Workers Historic Efforts to Form a Union…
IAM CORE: Working to Make Apple Better
Contact us for more information about how you can form a union at your apple store